

Hi I’m Louise, wife and mum to 3 boys. Never in a million years did I think I would be doing this. I was so bound by fear that I could hardly raise my voice to sing in the congregation at church for fear of being heard. But God has set me free in the most profound way and now I want to help Him to set you free!

My heart is to sing over people and to write music that reflects God’s love for them. I long to see people healed, chains broken and dreams awakened. To reach out to the broken hearted and let them know how much God loves them.



Hi I’m Lou I’ve been singing nearly all my life . I am never closer to God than when I am worshipping - it’s a place of revelation, transformation and liberation like no other!

My greatest passion is to help other people to connect with Him through worship and find that same freedom and holy JOY!!



Hi there - I’m Helen - a teacher by training, a song-writer by trade, and fellow-pilgrim in the Goodness of God.

Whether it’s through melodies, words or even pictures, my heart is to explore, to enjoy and express the Fulness of God’s Love.

For too long my own Christian faith has felt like another thing on the list of things to ‘get right’, so I’m passionate about the journey out of religious duty, into freedom and delight - for joyful lives lived fully in the Smile of God.